burday c0unt

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Friday, 31 May 2013


Assalamualaikum and hyepp (:

Hope uolss have a great day..

Entry kali ni special for mmber ak

meet my frend: Aiman Roslan..

nah setempek!
,muka time zmn budak2x..hee

credit: to all Setia group (:

merangkap mmber ak since form1 until noww!

lama kn,ak pun xcaya..haha -,-

hopefully dis friendship akan kekal smpai bila2x especially to Budak Setia..hoho

okayy! btw, he just have made his first cover songg -Mirrors ( by J.Timberlake)

so,guys tnggu apa lagi,

jum cekidout his video on youtbe,and dun forget to give some support to himm..

nahh,ni link dia

mohon klik di sini ya!


mana taw, pasni da komposer t'sesat tgok video ang & terus fall in luv

wif u'r voice yg kononnya ala2x anuar zain giteww..bhahaha :P

mohon jgn kembang semangkuk ey Aiman!

pasni,if dh jadi retiss,jgn dok lupa ak lak naa..XDD

that all,thank for read..

last but no least,Wish ang best of luck bro! kami suma support ang dari belakang

UKHUWAH FI BILLAH.. chalobetee *_0

to subscribers: u r willing to drop any comments on mamat neyh punya video..

komen yg constructive je lahh.. ENJOYY (:

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